In Fire Emblem: Three Houses, there are a lot more twists and turns than I remembered between my first playthrough(s) in 2020 and the one I started a few weeks ago in 2024. You are a mercenary who, through fate and manipulation and past lives and magic, have arrived at a monastery/religious military academy with your dad, where you’re commissioned to pick a group of kids and teach them stuff. How to ride horses and do some magic, how to ride a wyvern and throw some axes, how to one-shot enemies while also maintaining their femininity (as is their right!)
One day a week, you can garden, fish, cook, have lunch with your students, complete a bunch of errands all over the expansive monastery grounds, answer letters from the advice box (there are right and wrong answers and you will be judged), participate in choir practice, and get some professional development in there, too. Some weekends you drag the kids out to kill some stuff for gold. At some point, a random student challenges you to a sword tournament because you’re getting “too friendly” with your students (to be fair: you are) and boy you better hope you’re level 20+ before taking those kids on because they will absolutely wreck your shit (to be even more fair: they probably should).
And then, there’s part two. I’ll leave it at that. Partly because I haven’t gotten to that in my latest playthrough, and partly because what I do remember is so unhinged that I wouldn’t want to ruin the fun for anyone. Play this game. It’s a life sim, a dating sim, a turn-based jrpg, and it’s your entire world the whole time you’re playing.